A technical OBD2 dashboard for your Kia/ Hyundai electric vehicle

Following previous post, I configured a technical dashboard for Car Scanner application on Android.

Thanks to OBD2 interface we can display in real time various information, if you want during driving

You can download from this page this file here 

File is called dashboard.zip. As a first steop you have to extract dashboard.json from this archive. Then this last file can be imported inside Car Scanner. Installation can be done following those screens :

Configuration  -> Dashboard  ->  Restore Dashboard

Warning :
Following an alert from a reader, it’s possible that the proposed dashboard isn’t working after import. Doing a new test, I can reproduce the problem. This is a limitation of free version of Car Scanner that seems to activate a “limited mode” when doing an import.
Solution is then simple : update to pro version of Car Scanner, which costs around 4€. It can be done directly from Car Scanner Application. Tested and verified

Vincent Recipon

Propriétaire de ce blog. Owner of this blog.

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2 Responses

  1. Araux says:


    Je suis intéressé pour l’OBD2 mais je suis novice. J’ai une Kia Niro 2019 il n’est pas connecté à UVO.
    Je pense que OBD2 serait l’idéal mais je pense qu’il ne faut pas être trop loin du véhicule.
    Auriez vous un site pour commander la pièce ? Merci

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