Problem to boot-up a vmware virtual machine
You may face this problem quite easily when hard rebooting a server whose hosting vmware virtual machines
You have this message when restarting the VM:
Cannot open the disk ‘/…/* . vmdk’ or one of the snapshot disks it depends on. Reason : Failed to lock the file |
A lock prevent the VM to restart.
To solve this is here are the steps to follow :
- In case of Linux server, connect to server using a terminal client(putty for example)
- Then go to directory indicated by the error message
- Remove directories whose names are ending by .lck and having same name than your virtual machine. You should have 2 directories :
- *.vmdk.lck
- *.vmem.lck
- in case of linux server, this is done using those commands :
- rm -Rf *.vmdk.lck
- rm -Rf *.vmem.lck