Category: Photo
Faire des selfies…
Personne ne vous dira le contraire faire un selfie avec votre simple smartphone vous renvoie à des images types : un bout de bras, l’appareil qui se reflète dans les lunettes sur la photo finale…bref ça fait amateur. Bien que...
Self tuning of noise reduction in Lightroom
To obtain the best of your photos, digital treatment of them on computer is the best way to do. It can be done using Raw file images when shooting. You then use dedicated software, famous one being Lightroom or Dxo...
LCD TV modification to create a diffused light source
My Samsung LCD TV broke down after 3.5 years of service. After failure analysis, it appears that the LCD panel is dead. You would expect it but the price to repair it exceeds the price of a new TV …...
D3100 Firmware Update 1.02
This service provides software for upgrading D3100 A firmware to ver.1.02 and B firmware to ver.1.01. This software allows for simultaneous update of both A and B firmware to the latest version. If these latest firmware versions are already installed...